The formats follow those shown in Figure 1
The formats follow those shown in Figure 1. or inhibited by OS1. Furthermore, refrigerated VWF?/? platelets displayed improved post-transfusion recovery and survival than wild-type ones. Similarly, adding OS1 to transgenic murine platelets expressing only human being GPIb during refrigeration improved their post-transfusion recovery and survival. Conclusions Refrigeration-induced binding of VWF to platelets facilitates their quick clearance by inducing GPIb-mediated signaling. Our results suggest that inhibition of the VWF-GPIb connection may be a potential strategy to enable refrigeration of platelets for transfusion treatment. 0.01; and ***, 0.001. Refrigeration induces shear-dependent VWF-mediated platelet signaling It was reported earlier that refrigeration of platelets results in metalloprotease-mediated ectodomain dropping of GPIb5. Consistently, we found that the level of GPIb within the platelet surface became significantly reduced after refrigeration (Fig. 2A, B, F). However, similar…