In the patients who have been negative for anti-CCP antibody, the role of RF or other immunity factors could be stronger [1]. In this study, only the association between HLA-DRB1 15 and duration of disease was statistically significant in the HLAs from individuals. was extracted, HLA-DRB1 was identified per Beta Carotene single specific primer-polymerase chain reaction by inno-train packages. The individuals were re-examined six months later on. Results Probably the most prevalent type of HLA-DRB1 in the analyzed individuals was 04. In individuals with HLA-DRB1 (04), HLA-DRB1 (01), and HLA-DRB1 (15), CDAI decreased pronouncedly after six months, but in additional individuals it did not (p 0.05). Of the individuals, 81.3% had high titers of anti-CCP, but no association between anti-CCP and CDAI was found. Summary RA could be a multifactorial disease. The individuals with HLA-DRB1 (04), HLA-DRB1 (01) and HLA-DRB1 (15) showed a good response to routine treatments. The individuals with HLA-DRB1 (04) are likely to have zero decrease in secondary CDAI. Large titers of anti-CCP in individuals may show the severity of RA in the analyzed region and perhaps environmental, genetic and unfamiliar or idiopathic factors are aetiologically important. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Human being leukocyte antigen, Rheumatic diseases, Rheumatoid Factor Intro RA is definitely a chronic autoimmune disease and the most common inflammatory joint disease has a global prevalence of approximately 0.5%-1% in adults. RA characterized by the presence of RF and anti-citrullinated protein/peptide autoantibodies [1C3]. The incidence and prevalence of RA vary depending on the geographical region [4]. RA is definitely a chronic disease with several degenerative effects on joints. Auto immune disease and genetic factors which are HLA-DRB1 and its subtypes adhere to different patterns in different races and areas [1]. RA program varies widely, making the prognosis hard in individual individuals. Although no element has been identified as the main and main beginner of the disease, there is some evidence indicating that synovial swelling is likely to result from the complex relationships among environmental, genetic and immunologic factors, leading to deregulation in the immunity system and disruption of auto tolerance process. The finding that auto antibodies such as RF Beta Carotene and anti-CCP could be found in individuals serum long before medical stage confirms the above theory [4,5]. The pace of contribution of genetic factors to RA is definitely varied in different studies due to the interaction between the genes and environment. System of Human being Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) plays a role in development of rheumatic diseases in different individuals with different characteristics. The risk of acquiring RA is mainly associated with allelic variance in HLA-DRB1 gene which encodes the beta chain of MHC-II molecules [4]. Preliminary studies indicated that 70% of RA individuals had HLADR4, much higher than 28% of the control group. This association was more pronounced in the individuals with anti-CCP production. Pathogenic Beta Carotene alleles of HLA-DRB1 have a shared amino acid sequence at position 70-74 in the third hypervariable region of the HLA-DR beta chain, called Shared Epitope (SE) [6]. In 2010 2010, American College of Rheumatology classification criteria (1987) for RA was revised [7]. Recently revised criteria (in 2010 2010) specifies the scores 0-10 and the score 6 confirms analysis of RA. The criteria are as follows: the number of involved joints, serology checks (titres of RA and anti-CCP), markers of acute phase response and duration of symptoms [7]. Vehicle Beers JJ et al., study in the Netherlands reported that anti-citrullinated fibronectin antibodies were positively correlated with HLA type and SE alleles in RA individuals [8]. Ucar F et al., found out HLA*01, HLA*04, and HLA*09 as the most frequent alleles and HLA*013 mainly because the least frequent allele associated with RA in east Black Sea Turkish EN-7 populace [9]. Mackie SL et al., carried out a study in England to investigate different HLA in anti-CCP-positive individuals with RA and found that subgroups of HLA-DRB1*0401 and HLA-DRB1*0404 contributed to the pathogenesis of RA [10]. Naqi N et al., concluded that HLA-DRB1 (*04) was highly frequent in individuals with RA, but in the control group, HLA-DRB1 (*11) was found as the most frequent allele with potentially protective part against RA [11]. S Zodaray P et al., found that anti-CCP was highly important for RA analysis and a key point in RA progression and radiologic changes. Also, anti-CCP production was highly associated with genetic, underlying Beta Carotene factors like HLADRB1 [12]. In Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province (Southwestern Iran), with regard to consanguineous marriages and specific ethnicities, no study on rheumatologic diseases, including RA and genetic and serological associations, has been yet carried out and no data on RA gene mapping and prevalence, especially with RF or anti-CCP positivity, are available. Consequently, this study was carried out for the first time with this province to determine.